5 Things you can take off your plate this week

Are you struggling to deal with all that's on your plate each day?
I have 5 super easy and impactful ways you can lighten the load starting this week.

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    Lauren Mora

    Founder of Rally the Village

    What will I learn?

    As moms, we are no strangers to the hustle. We live it, we crush it (usually), but we don’t love it.

    At the end of each day, I hope you’ll have a new perspective on the stress-inducer we highlight, and get a very easy way to help ease it up in your life with very little effort.

    What to expect after I sign up?

    1. You'll get a confirmation email

    2. Starting the following day you'll receive 5 daily emails with an exclusive podcast for you to listen in.

    3. You may or may not get a special offer from me at the end of the 5 days!